Budha Holy Book - Tripitakas


The Tripitaka, also known as the Pali Canon, is considered one of the most important and sacred scriptures in Buddhism. It is the primary canonical collection of teachings attributed to Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha, and forms the foundational text for Theravada Buddhism.

The Tripitaka is written in the Pali language and is divided into three “baskets” or “pitakas,” which are as follows:

  • Vinaya Pitaka: The Vinaya Pitaka contains rules and guidelines for monastic life and conduct for Buddhist monks (bhikkhus) and nuns (bhikkhunis). It covers various aspects of monastic discipline, including rules for ordination, code of conduct, and procedures for resolving disputes within the monastic community.
  • Sutta Pitaka: The Sutta Pitaka consists of a vast collection of discourses attributed to the Buddha. These discourses cover a wide range of topics, including ethics, meditation, philosophy, cosmology, and the path to enlightenment. The most well-known and revered texts within the Sutta Pitaka include the Digha Nikaya (Long Discourses), Majjhima Nikaya (Middle Discourses), and Samyutta Nikaya (Connected Discourses).
  • Abhidhamma Pitaka: The Abhidhamma Pitaka contains more systematic and analytical teachings, offering detailed explanations and classifications of the teachings found in the Sutta Pitaka. It explores the nature of mind, consciousness, and mental factors in great depth and is considered an advanced and complex exposition of Buddhist philosophy.

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