Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi

Contact Information
2, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, near Delhi Gate,Balmiki Basti, New Delhi, Delhi, 110002, India
Detailed Information

In the post independence India, Delhi had no medical college except Lady Hardinge for girls. The places in India where medical colleges already existed were Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Amritsar etc. The necessity for a medical college in Delhi which had a population of two million at that time was always felt.

As late as 1936, Lt. Col. Cruickshank, IMS, first Medical Superintendent of Irwin Hospital thought of having a separate medical college for Delhi. The plan was submitted to formulated and build a medical college opposite to Irwin Hospital in close proximity with the present Ram Lila ground. Unfortunately the plan was dumped due to Second World War in 1939.

Reference ID Bajaj. Spandan 182-83, 2-4

The Irwin Hospital was the most honored place of medical treatment in Delhi from 1939 to 1947, was a period of great uncertainty for political India. There was heavy constrain of money on British Government due to world war and Indian Independence was already on cards hence no one thought of building a medical college in Delhi. From 1947 to 1955 there appear to be no records to suggest that some one thought of creating a new medical college.

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