Dwarkadhish Temple also known as the Jagat Mandir, is a Chalukya styled architecture, dedicated to Lord Krishna. The town of Dwarka has its history dated back to the Kingdom of Dwaraka in Mahabharata. The five storied main shrine is grand and marvelous in itself constructed of limestone and sand. The 2200-year-old architecture is believed to be built by Vajranabha, who constructed it over the land reclaimed from the sea by Lord Krishna.
The black magnificent idol of Lord Krishna appears to be so appealing that devotees feel the presence of the lord before them. The temple showcases intricate sculptural detailing done by the ancestral dynasties that ruled the region. There are other shrines within the temple which are devoted to Subhadra, Balarama and Revathy, Vasudeva, Rukmini and many others. The devotees are expected to take a dip in the Gomti river before proceeding into the temple through the Swarg Dwar. The eve of Janmashtmi is the most special occasion in any Krishna temple, the Dwarkadhish temple sees thousands of devotees visiting it and chanting prayers and performing rituals. The shrine is a hive of colors, voices and faith transforming itself into inner silence and sanctity.
Organized By
Shree Dwarkadhish Temple Dwarka
District Collector
Shree Dwarkadhish Temple Dwarka : 361 335 Dist.: D
How to reach: The nearest airport is Porbandar Airport, which is 110 KMs away.
The nearest convenient railway station is Dwarka Railway Station, which is 2.5 KMs away.
The nearest bus stand is Dwarka ST Bus station, which is 1.2 KMs away.