Sikh Religious Society of Arizona is a non-profit organization which is working actively for the Sikh community in the state of Arizona. The Society is involved in many local projects for the benefit of the Sikh community. In November of 1996, it started working delegently towards the establishment of a new Gurdwara in Phoenix. In 1999, a suitable location was purchased in the middle of town at 1129 E Sheridan Stree, Phoenix, Arizona and Arizona Sikh Gurdwara was founded. The services are regularly held on every Sunday at the Gurdwara. Any information regarding special events and Gurpurabs can be obtained by calling 602-716-0408. Since the primary goal of this Society has been reached, it continues to focus on other community projects.
Arizona Religious Sikh society, USA
Contact Information
1129 E Sheridan, Phoenix, Arizona 85006, United States
Detailed Information
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