God Rama 108 Names Ashtottara Shatanamavali

 NameMeaning of the name
1RamabhadraAuspicious Rama
2RamachandraMoon-like gentle Rama
5ShrimateRevered by all
6RajendraLord of the lords
7RaghupungavaScion of the Raghukula race
8JanakivallabhaConsort of Janaki
9JaitraSymbolizing Victory
10JitamitraVanquisher of Foes
One who offers liberation from repeated births
12VishwamitrapriyaBeloved of Vishwamitra
14Sharanatrana TatparaDetermined to protect His devotees
15ValipramathanaSlayer of Vali
17SatyavacheSpeaker of the truth
18SatyavikramaTruthfully powerful
19SatyavrataAdopting truth as penance
20VratadharaPracticing penance
21Sada HanumadashritaDependent on Hanuman
22KausaleyaSon of Kausalya
23KharadhvamsineSlayer of Khara
24ViradhavadhaMaster in slaying Viradha
25VibhishanaparitratreSheltered Vibhishana
26HarakodandaramaRama with the Kodhanda Bow
27Saptatala PrabhetreBreaker of the seven Tale trees
28Dashagreeva ShiroharaSlayer of the ten-headed Ravana
29Jamadagnya Mahadarpa DalanaDestroyer of Jamadagni’s son’s arrogance
30TatakantakaSlayer of Tataka
31VedantasaraEssence of Philosophy
32VedatmaneSpirit of the Vedas
33Bhavarogasya BheshajaReliever of Earthly ailments
34DooshanatrishirohantreSlayer of Dooshanatrishira
35TrimurtayeHaving the forms of Trinity
36TrigunatmakaPossessing the three Gunas
37TrivikramaConqueror of the Three Worlds
38TrilokatmaneLord of the Three Worlds
39Punyacharita KeertanaSung for Noble Virtues
40TrilokarakshakaProtector of the Three Worlds
41Dhanvineof the Solar Race
42Dandakaranya KarshanaOne who made the Dandaka forest noble
43AhalyashapashamanaReliever of Ahalya’s curse
44PitrubhaktaDevoted to father
45VarapradaResponsive to all prayers
46JitendriyaConqueror of the senses
47JitakrodhaConqueror of anger
48JitamitraConqueror of the foes
49JagadguraveSpiritual teacher of the Universe
50Rakshavanara SangatineSaviour of boars and monkeys
51Chitrakoota SamashrayaEngrossed in Chitrakoota’s beauty
52Engrossed in Chitrakoota’s beautyEngrossed in Chitrakoota’s beauty
53JayantatranavaradaGranting boon to save Jayanta
54Sumitraputra SevitaWorshipped by Sumitra’s son
55SarvadevadidevaLord of the Lords
56MrutavanarajeevanaReviver of dead monkeys
57MayamarichahantreSlayer of imaginary Maricha
58MahadevaLord of the Lords
59MahabhujaGiant-sized shoulders
60SarvadevastutaWorshipped by all celestial beings
61SaumyaEver-smiling and gentle
62BrahmanyaSupreme Godhead
63MunisamstutaWorshipped by sages
64MahayogineGreat Meditator
65MahodaraVery Generous
66Sugreevepsita RajyadaRecovering Sugreeva’s kingdom for him
67Sarva PunyadhikaphalaAnswers prayers
68SmrutasarvaghanashanaDestroyer of sins
69AdipurushaPrimordial being
70ParamapurushaSupreme being
71MahapurushaGreat being
72PunyodayaGranter of immortality
73DayasaraEssence of kindness
74PuranapurushottamaSupreme being of the Puranas
75SmitavaktraSmiling face
76MitabhashineSeldom speaks
77PurvabhashineSpeaks in advance
78RaghavaNamed after the Raghu race
79Anantaguna GambhiraEndowed with virtues
80Dheerodatta GunottamaValiant, yet kind-hearted
81MayamanushacharitraTaking the human form
82Mahadevadi PujitaWorshipped by Shiva and the celestials
83SetukruteBuilder of the bridge
84JitavarashayeConqueror of the ocean
85SarvateerthamayaTotally sacred water
90DhanurdharaWith bow in hand
91SarvayajnadhipaLord of all sacrificial offerings
92YajnaOne who performs yajnas
93Jaramarana VarjitaHaving no birth or death
94Vibhishana PratishthatreCrowned Vibhishana as King of Lanka
95SarvapagunavarjitaDestroyer of evil qualities
96ParamatmaneThe Supreme
97ParabrahmaneSupreme Godhead
98Sacchidananda VigrahaForm of eternal bliss
99ParamjyotisheMost spectacular radiance
100ParamdhamneLord of Vaikuntha
101Lord of VaikunthaBright
102ParatparaGreatest of the Greats
103PareshaLord of the lords
104ParagaUplifter of the poor
105ParaThe Ultimate
106SarvadevatmakaDweller in all Gods
107ParasmaiMost Superior
108DhanurdharaWith bow in hand


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