Gurdwaras in Singapore

Singapore has several Gurdwaras, which are Sikh places of worship. They are open to visitors of all faiths and offer a range of services, including daily prayers, kirtan, langar, and charitable activities. Some of the Gurdwaras in Singapore are historic landmarks, with a significant history dating back to the early 20th century. The Sikh community in Singapore is active and engaged in promoting interfaith harmony and community building through various activities and events. The Gurdwaras in Singapore are an essential part of the vibrant and diverse religious landscape of the country.

Located at Towner Road, this is one of the oldest and largest Sikh temples in Singapore. It was established in 1912.

This Gurudwara is located at Wilkie Road and is one of the most prominent Sikh temples in Singapore. It was established in 1924.

This Gurudwara is located at Silat Road and was established in the 1950s. It is a relatively small temple compared to others in Singapore.

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