How to Improve Productivity With Online Learning

How to effectively utilize online learning & improve productiveness - handy productivity hacks
Productivity, often confused with keeping yourself busy throughout the day, is actually the opposite of it. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can effectively utilize online learning and improve productivity.
Online Learning is not just a technique used to better your knowledge but now has become an industry. With a lot of resources available out there, it is difficult to filter them all out and stick to one.
Productivity is about increasing your input by output ratio. To do that you don’t always have to put too much input. Productivity in online learning can be practised with much more ease because of the flexibility.
Let’s look at ways you can make online learning and productivity during online learning effective.
- Separate your work desk
Using the same desk for studying, learning, watching youtube or Netflix will result in a blurred wall between being busy and being productive.
Separate your work desk, make sure it’s in a little isolated place. Don’t use the same desk for entertainment. Use it only when you’re doing something productive. This will help you understand the time you actually spend doing your work and how much of your time is not being used towards the set goal.
- Allot time period
Flexibility is one of the main advantages of online learning, but it also means you are the one who is responsible for your own time and will be held accountable for how you spend your day.
Students usually delay the task for last-minute deadlines, it’s not too difficult to understand the fact that if it can be done at the last minute it can very well be done now in no time.
Hence allotting a particular time of your day to complete some milestone in the course is a very good practice. Let’s say you decided to complete one module every day at 7.00 pm.
After a few days of practising it, your brain will become used to the level of concentration it has to put in at 7.00 pm allowing you to carry on with your work with the least distraction.
- Take breaks
I think we’ve already mentioned that productivity and being busy are two different things and taking a break at the right time can be considered as one of the factors that make this difference.
An adult’s attention span is around 20 minutes, if you did not feel a concentration drop after 20 minutes you have entered the focus mode and now continue to work till you want to.
But if you feel the need for a break, take one. It’s not similar to distraction, it’s more like a recovery period to focus better.
As a student you must improve your time management as time management for students is one of the most important skills. If done right it can ease out the process and if done wrong it can cause endless stress. Keep these points in mind and get going!
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Keywords: time management for students, how to manage time for students, improve time management, online learning, online courses, flexibility, productivity, being productive as a student.