Indian National Anthem

The anthem of India is Known as ‘ Jana Gana Mana ’. The song was originally composed in Bengali by India’s first Nobelist Rabindranath Tagore on December 11, 1911. The parent song, ‘ Bharoto Bhagyo Bidhata ’ could even be a Brahmo hymn that has five verses and only the first verse has beenes pousedas National Anthem.However, the anthem conveys the spirit of pluralism or in further popular terms the generality of ‘ Unity in Diversity ’, which lies at the core of India’s cultural heritage, If suggests shortly.

The song’s lyrics first appeared in 5 stanzas in Bengali magazine during an issue of Tatwabodhini Patrika. With perhaps some help from his musician grand-bastard Dinendranath Tagore, Tagore composed the air in raga Alhaiya Bilawal as a Brahmo Hymn. the final form of the song before the first public performance was set on December 11, 1911.

The song was first privately sung on the alternate day of the periodic session of the Indian National Congress in Calcutta( now Kolkata) on 27 December 1911. also, it had been followed in January 1912 at the regular event of the Adi Brahmo Samaj, still, it had been largely unknown except in the albums of the Adi Brahmo Samaj journal, Tattwabodhini Patrika. The lyric was published in January 1912, under the title Bharat Bhagya Bidhata within the Tatwabodhini Patrika, which was the sanctioned publication of the Brahmo Samaj with Tagore also the Editor.

The National Anthem of India

Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he
Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha asisa mage,
Gahe tava jaya gatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he, Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he! 

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