Jain Gurus

Jainism has a tradition of spiritual teachers known as “gurus” who guide their followers on the path of liberation from worldly existence. Here are some notable Jain gurus:

  1. Rishabhadeva: He is considered to be the first Tirthankara (spiritual teacher) of Jainism.
  2. Mahavira: He is considered to be the 24th and last Tirthankara of Jainism. Mahavira propagated the teachings of Jainism and is credited with the revival of the religion.
  3. Sudharma Swami: He is considered to be the founder of the Svetambara sect of Jainism.
  4. Kundakunda Acharya: He is a revered Jain philosopher and author of the Pravachanasara, a seminal work on Jainism.
  5. Hemachandra Acharya: He was a Jain scholar, poet, and philosopher who wrote many works on Jainism, including the Yogaśāstra.
  6. Bhadrabahu: He was a Jain monk and scholar who played an important role in preserving the Jain scriptures and teachings.
  7. Mahasena: He was a Jain monk and scholar who wrote the commentary on the Uttaradhyayana Sutra.

These are just a few of the many Jain gurus who have contributed to the development and propagation of Jainism over the centuries.

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