Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

“Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi” is a powerful mantra and a universal peace prayer in Hinduism. It is often recited at the end of prayers, chants, or spiritual gatherings to invoke peace and tranquility at various levels – physical, mental, and spiritual. The repetition of “Shanti” three times represents peace in the three realms and emphasizes its all-encompassing nature.

Mantra: “Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi”


  • Om: It is a sacred syllable, representing the ultimate reality, the source of all creation, and the cosmic sound of the universe. In this mantra, “Om” signifies the divine essence underlying all existence.
  • Shanti: The word “Shanti” translates to “peace” or “tranquility” in English. It is a profound Vedic concept that denotes a state of harmony, stillness, and absence of disturbances at various levels – physical, mental, and spiritual.
  • Shantihi: The suffix “hi” is added to “Shanti” to denote “may there be.” So “Shantihi” means “may there be peace” or “let there be peace.”

Together, “Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi” can be translated to “May there be peace at all levels – physical, mental, and spiritual.”

Significance: The “Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi” mantra holds profound spiritual significance and is revered for several reasons:

  1. Universal Peace Prayer: It is a universal prayer for peace, expressing the collective desire for peace and well-being for all beings and the entire creation.
  2. Peace at All Levels: The mantra invokes peace not only at the external level but also at the internal and spiritual levels. It seeks peace in the body, mind, and soul.
  3. Harmony and Unity: By chanting the mantra, individuals strive to create a sense of harmony and unity within themselves and with the world around them.
  4. Positive Intentions: The mantra embodies positive intentions for peace, promoting a mindset of compassion, empathy, and non-violence.
  5. Inner Stillness: Chanting “Shanti” three times emphasizes the importance of inner stillness and calmness to find peace amid life’s challenges.

Serenity and Balance: The mantra encourages seekers to find serenity and balance within themselves, fostering mental and emotional well-being.

Specific Content Keywords : Om,Shanti,Shantihi,Mantra,Triple Shanti,Peace Invocation,Hindu Prayer,Meditation,Universal Peace,Vedic Tradition,Peace Chant,Inner Harmony,Universal Harmony,Spiritual Well-being,Upanishadic Influence.

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