Sanskrit ( संस्कृत )

Sanskrit is a classical language of India, with a history dating back to the 2nd millennium BCE. It is the primary liturgical language of Hinduism and Buddhism, and is considered the oldest and most refined of the Indo-European languages. It is written in the Devanagari script, which is also used to write other languages such as Hindi, Nepali and Marathi. Although it is not spoken as a first language by a large number of people in modern times, it has had a significant impact on the development of many modern Indian languages and has played an important role in the preservation of Indian culture and religious traditions.
Sanskrit has a complex grammatical structure and a rich vocabulary, and is known for its precise and elegant use of language. It is also an important language in Jainism and used in Jain literature. Its literature is vast and varied, including hymns, prayers, philosophical texts, epics, plays, and scientific treatises. Many Indian languages have borrowed words from Sanskrit, and it remains an important language in religious rituals and ceremonies. It is also used in traditional Indian medicine and in traditional performing arts such as classical dance and music.
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