Shatabhisha Nakshatra

Shatavisha is the 24th of the 27 Nakshatras of Hindu Astrology. It is associated with the constellation of the same name and is symbolized by a circle or  100 medicinal plants.In Hindu astrology, Shatavisha is associated with the Hindu god Varuna,  god of heaven and sea, and is considered  a spiritual and mystical nakshatra. People born under this nakshatra are considered intuitive, imaginative,  idealistic, with a strong connection to the spiritual realm and a deep understanding of the mysteries of life. They are often drawn to careers in spirituality, healing, or the arts and are considered  natural healers and mystics. 

The planetary ruler of Shatavisha is Rahu,  associated with the element of air. People born under this nakshatra are seen as independent, innovative and unconventional, with a strong ability to think outside the box and find their own solutions to problems. They are also considered intelligent, analytical, and insightful with a natural ability to understand and interpret complex ideas and concepts.

Overall, Shatavisha is seen as a spiritual and mystical nakshatra, and those born under Shatavisha are  intuitive, imaginative, and idealistic, with a strong connection to the spiritual realm and  the mysteries of life. However, we must  be careful not to become too disconnected from the world and others. This is because it can negatively affect relationships and well-being.

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