Yoga 2023

Yoga is primarily a spiritual discipline based on an incredibly subtle Science that focuses on bringing mind and body into harmony. It is both an art and a science to live a healthy lifestyle. “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to join”, “to yoke”, or “to unite”.

Yoga, according to Yogic teachings, leads to the unification of individual consciousness with universal awareness. Everything in the cosmos, according to current scientists, is only a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who has experienced this oneness of being is said to be “in Yoga” and is referred to as a yogi who has gained a state of liberation, known as Mukti, nirvna, kaivalya, or moksha.

Yoga, according to Yogic teachings, leads to the unification of individual consciousness with universal awareness. Everything in the cosmos, according to current scientists, is only a manifestation of the same quantum firmament. One who has experienced this oneness of being is said to be “in Yoga” and is referred to as a yogi who has gained a state of liberation, known as Mukti, nirvna, kaivalya, or moksha.

If You Want Know More About Yoga Click Here

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